Children Are The Victims


The children of Ukraine have suffered enormously over the past three years. Nearly 600 kids have died and 1,800 have been wounded; thousands of others have been abused, are missing, or were deported. Children have watched their parents and siblings die, children have starved and frozen to death, and children have suffered with no medical assistance.  It is difficult to imagine the impact on those who survive--children and their families. Sadly, there is no end in sight to the suffering.

For many years, thousands of Ukrainian children resided in institutions, because their families were unable to care for them due to financial hardship, mental illness, addiction and other issues. Prior to the war, reform efforts that had been underway to reduce institutionalization of children in favor of foster care and family-style settings, but this work has been  paused, as more and more children are in need of care.  Unfortunately, over the past nearly three years, many of the residential facilities for children have been damaged or destroyed, causing even more trauma to the youth.

Jewish Relief Network Ukraine is honored to support several institutions for children that have been proving outstanding services for decades, including the Mishpacha Orphanage in Odessa and the Alumim Orphanage in Zhitomer (temporarily relocated to Ashkelon, Israel). These institutions are overseen by dedicated staff who care for the children as they would their own, providing for the kids’ physical, emotional and spiritual needs. The children grow up with love and support from hundreds of “siblings” of all ages. The orphanage staff also work hard to assist the families of the children, in hopes of sending the children home one day to be reunited and live with their parents. When both the Mishpacha and Alumim Orphanages fled Ukraine, in the early days of the war (the Mishpacha Orphanage subsequently returned to Odessa), hundreds of family members traveled with the groups to maintain familial relationships to the extent possible.  In Israel, some of the families have been able to create a stable home for their families, and take the children out of the orphanage to live with them.

We are grateful to our donors who make it possible to ensure the orphanage children receive academic instruction as well as proper socialization in a warm and loving environment. Thank you for your support.

Together we save lives and restore hope.

Together we Save Lives and Restore Hope!

Shlomo Peles
Executive Director
Rabbi Shmuel Kaminezki
Dnipro, Ukraine
Rabbi Pinchas Vishedsky
Kyiv, Ukraine
Rabbi Moshe Moskovitz
Kharkiv, Ukraine
Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm
Zhitomir, Ukraine
Rabbi Avraham Wolff
Odessa, Ukraine