Spiritual and Emotional Support is Critical Too!


Our commitment to help the people of Ukraine extends beyond food, shelter and household necessities; we support the spiritual, emotional and mental health needs of those who have endured so much over the past 2 ½ years. In addition to the humanitarian aid we distribute and services we provide at city community centers, schools, orphanages and synagogues, we also travel to smaller towns, villages and remote locations to remind the people that they are not alone and not forgotten.

Our staff and volunteers recently connected with local rabbis and members of their communities, and the visits were special and impactful. They met Marina in Izmail where they affixed a Mezuzah to the door jamb of her small apartment, and they did the same for a young family in Odesa. In Balta, they helped Alexey put on tefillin for the first time, and they gathered people together for a meal and words of encouragement. In Zhovti Vody, Pyatikhatki and Drohobych, the communities were uplifted by the packages of food and expressions of support that were shared. Even during their travels, the staff and volunteers spread their message of hope and renewal; they helped a young man in the village of Shayan, near the border of Romania don tefillin, as well as a Ukrainian soldier driving in a village near the Polish border.

We are grateful for the generosity and compassion of people around the world who make our work possible, saving lives and restoring hope.






Zhovti Vody




Village near Poland

Together, we Save Lives and Restore Hope!

Shlomo Peles
Executive Director
Rabbi Shmuel Kaminezki
Dnipro, Ukraine
Rabbi Pinchas Vishedsky
Kyiv, Ukraine
Rabbi Moshe Moskovitz
Kharkiv, Ukraine
Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm
Zhitomir, Ukraine
Rabbi Avraham Wolff
Odessa, Ukraine