Food continues to be one of the most pressing issues for millions of Ukrainians. Over the past 14 months, the availability and price of food has varied significantly, but one fact is constant: people lack the means to provide food for their families. Prices for food in Ukraine are not dissimilar to those in the United States, with some items costing less, like chicken, bread, fruits and vegetables. Restaurant prices are similar to the United States as well, and the same holds true for clothing. The significant difference lies in the availability of jobs and prevailing wages. In large cities, such as Kyiv, the average wage is $4.25 per hour ($680 per month). With apartment rent averaging $400-$800 per month depending on size, there is little money for food and other necessities. The rate of employment in Ukraine has improved slightly in recent months, but 1 in every 5 people are still without work. And for many families, the head of household is away serving in the military, leaving the other parent to care for the children with only limited opportunity for work. Food is a pressing issue for most households.
Our food distribution programs are more important than ever. In cities, towns and villages all across Ukraine we ensure individuals and families don't go hungry. Through a combination of soup kitchens, food packages and grocery store vouchers, we deliver food to those who need it most.
The daily work of JRNU staff and volunteers continues, attending to short and long term needs of the people including medicine, medical care, lodging and more.