Tragedy in Kyiv and Other Cities

JULY 10TH 2024

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the many people in Kyiv and other cities who have suffered tragedies in recent days; the casualties and injuries are heartbreaking. The attacks on Ukraine's largest children's hospital and other medical facilities left more than 11 people dead and hundreds injured. 

Our work is more important than ever, nearly 2 1/2 years after the crisis began. People are exhausted, and many find it difficult to remain hopeful of better days to come. We continue to distribute humanitarian aid of all kinds, and our local leaders provide spiritual and emotional support to communities across the country.

With your help, we continue to save lives and restore hope.

Main image:, CC BY 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Together, we Save Lives and Restore Hope!

Shlomo Peles
Executive Director
Rabbi Shmuel Kaminezki
Dnipro, Ukraine
Rabbi Pinchas Vishedsky
Kyiv, Ukraine
Rabbi Moshe Moskovitz
Kharkiv, Ukraine
Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm
Zhitomir, Ukraine
Rabbi Avraham Wolff
Odessa, Ukraine