Wishes for a Happy New Year, 5785


As we join millions of other Jews around the world, preparing our apples and honey in advance of Rosh Hashanah, we think of the Jews of Ukraine who are planning for their third New Year under sirens and rockets. We hope they will have some sweetness and joy, despite the suffering and hardships that continue. 

We extend a sincere thank you to the many people who have supported our work, throughout the year and leading up to these holiest of holidays. As we have done for each of the past three years, we delivered gift boxes and food packages to Jews in every part of the country--this was possible thanks to generous donors from around the world.

It is a privilege to work alongside dedicated rabbis and their families, staff and volunteers, who are living in Ukraine and supporting tens of thousands of people in need. Their commitment and compassion ensured that families had food, clothing, medical care and more; they worked tirelessly to make sure no one was alone and no one was forgotten.

We pray that the new year will be safer, calmer, and more peaceful, in Ukraine, in Israel, and around the world. We wish you all the best in 5785 and beyond. Thank you for your support; together we save lives and restore hope.

L’Shana Tovah!

Together, we Save Lives and Restore Hope!

Shlomo Peles
Executive Director
Rabbi Shmuel Kaminezki
Dnipro, Ukraine
Rabbi Pinchas Vishedsky
Kyiv, Ukraine
Rabbi Moshe Moskovitz
Kharkiv, Ukraine
Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm
Zhitomir, Ukraine
Rabbi Avraham Wolff
Odessa, Ukraine